Marc Lacy

Speaker . Writer . Producer

From One Another

To read the written word as written is truly enlightening, but to be privileged to hear the written word, recited, by its “author”, is a literary delight. And having the privilege and pleasure of watching the written word become a living word, I applaud, and appreciate the creative influx, that Mr. Lacy weaves, (like beholding “fresh cornrows” on a “Nubian Queen”) into his works.

Latest Publications and Recordings

Ghost of Ace Honeycutt, the third installment to the exhilirating fiction-thriller Whiskey House Trilogy is now available.

“Clairvoyance, 7 books of insightful lyrical musings from the Poetic Vault Series are available as well. The books are:

With 2 Bonus LOve Poetry Books:
Beatific Ambrosia
Enraptured Felicity



  • Radio/Internet Commercials
  • Original Motivational Quotes
  • Royalty Free Background Music Optional
  • Fee is contingent on track length and added elements

*NOTE: All performance based services may also be executed via ZOOM as well.

For Scheduling and Pricing, please send Email to or call 256.721.1600.
Approval of all bookings will be contingent solely on all contractual terms being met.

Featured Products

Listen to the audiobook Curse of the Whiskey House, written by Marc Lacy, narrated by Jared Wright.

Note for Ebooks:

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